What if my puppy has an accident?
He will. Do not punish your puppy though. If you catch your puppy in the act then clap your hands or pick them up - this will make your puppy stop going. Get him outside FAST and let him finish up out there. Reward him for going outside. Clean up the mess with natures miracle which will remove the odor completely.
Do NOT rub their nose in it, swat them with a newspaper, or isolate your puppy. It will only teach them to not go in front of you.
If your puppy is going frequently in the house you are probably not supervising them enough. Watch and learn their cues. If you feel you are watching and your puppy isn''t getting it you can always have them checked for a Urinary tract infection.
If your puppy piddles when you greet them, this could be submissive urination. This would be a problem that is usually cured by ignoring the behavior and letting your puppy calm down before touching them when you first see them.
This article not only applies to puppies, but it is how you should train a dog of any age. If you can''t supervise your dog, please put them in a crate to help curb accidents. Remember, dogs go where they go most!
This can be a trying time, so have patience and you will get through it.
Training and older dog
Training an older dog can actually be more difficult because the behavior has been learned. The best advice I can offer is to treat them like a puppy. Start from square one. Keep the dog on a strict schedule and reward heavily for pottying outside. If they have an accident, clean it up appropriately and make sure you don''t punish the dog. Afterall they haven''t clearly learned not to go in the house. Always ask yourself if you missed some cues.
You can try hanging a bell on the door and teach the dog to ring the bell. Hold it just in front of their nose, and let them out when the bell rings. Beware of dogs wanting to just go out to be out instead of going to the bathroom.
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