Flea Bite Treatments
***Chemicals that act as poisons are strong enough to
kill fleas, but the long term effects on pets are
unknown, although they are probably not safe to
use. (Employees manufacturing these products must
wear protective clothing and use respirators.
Plus, the product labels warn against skin contact.
So,if the chemicals are potentially harmful to
humans,they are probably not the most healthy
product for pets. )
***Prednisone & other corticosteroid drugs used to
give relief from flea bites help to stop itching &
inflammation. But, they also suppress a pet''s
immune system and have possible long-term side
effects: water retention, liver or thyroid damage,
hypertension, obesity, & heart attack.
Healthy Alternatives
***Strengthen your pet''s immune system:
Eliminate food allergens from the diet, and
supplement the diet with a well-balanced
essential fatty acid (EFA), probiotics (bifidus
& acidophilus) & digestive enzyme supplements.
EFAs help to make your pet less attractive to
fleas, and digestive supplements carry nutrients
throughout the body & help to breakdown & remove
waste materials that may lead to food allergies.
-Add a pinch of garlic powder to food.
-Add apple cider vinegar to your pet''s water.
-Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon dried Nettle onto your
pet''s food (helps to reduce allergic response).
-Add to food or squirt into pet''s mouth a low-
alcohol liquid tincture of Dandelion Root,
Burdock Root, or Red Clover (helps eliminate
wastes & supports immune system).
-For severe flea bite allergies (red, inflamed,
itchy skin), licorice serves as an anti-
infammatory. Also, an aloe juice can help to
heal & to relieve itching. Directions: Add
one cup aloe juice to 4 parts water. Pour the
cool liquid onto affected areas of your pet''s
***Environment Treatment
Since fleas spend 80% of their time in the
pet''s environment, not on the pet, apply herbal
products to your pet''s environmental areas
(bedding, etc.). Look for products that contain
extracts and/or oils of eucalyptus, citronella,
juniper, cedar, citrus oil, or Canadian fleabane.
(Citrus oil & Canadian fleabane contain d-
Limonine which can kill fleas.)
Bathe with a good, mild herbal pet shampoo
formulated to bring relief and remove fleas and
body wastes from the skin.
Only use shampoos meant for pets, not humans.
(Human shampoos are often too harsh and may
contain allergens that worsen a pet''s allergic
Also, don''t shampoo too often or irritation &
dryness may occur.
Deena Caruso, author, teacher, & distributor of natural pet products Helps pet owners create healthy, happy pets. To receive FREE "Pet Pointers" Newsletter, go to: http://www.healthyfoodforpets.com deecaruso@cox.net Ph: 760/758-7963, 877/877-0665', 196, 'Natural Approaches to Dealing With Pesky Fleas, Pets, Pets articles, Pets information, about Pets, what is Pets, Pet Information', 'Natural Approaches to Dealing With Pesky Fleas plus articles and information on Pets
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